Wake Up, Make Something
Looking to cut back on your environmental and physical health impact but dedicated to your oil painting mediums? Gamblin's Solvent-Free range of oil mediums helps in doing just that with less hazard! With safflower's natural pale color, these are sure to aid in keeping your paint from yellowing while enhancing flow and transparency. Their Solvent-Free gel and fluid medium is just a discreet name for their safflower-alkyd resin mix, which increases gloss and speeds up drying time rapidly - with thin layers dry to touch within 36-48 hours. The biggest difference between the gel and fluid options are their consistencies. The fluid medium significantly increases the flow of paints, slightly leveling brushstrokes. On the other hand, the gel is much heavier and is comparable to the weight of the paint and maintains sharp brushstrokes. Their Safflower Oil Medium increases flow, slows drying time, and is suggested for brush cleaning. Curious to read a little more about the benefits and limitations of solvent-free painting? Check out Gamblin's page dedicated to discussing all the ins and outs!
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